Friday, January 15, 2016

The Painter's Daughter Paints a Good Portrait

The Painter’s Daughter
Julie Klassen

Book Summary: Sophie Dupont assists her father in his studio, keeping her own artwork out of sight. In private, she paints the picturesque north Devon coast, popular with artists--including handsome Wesley Overtree, who seems more interested in Sophie than the landscape. Captain Stephen Overtree is accustomed to taking on his brother Wesley's responsibilities. Near the end of his leave, he is sent to find his brother and bring him home. Upon reaching Devonshire, however, Stephen is stunned to learn Wesley has sailed for Italy and left his host's daughter in serious trouble. Stephen feels duty-bound to act, and strangely protective of the young lady, who somehow seems familiar. Wanting to make some recompense for his own past failings as well as his brother's, Stephen proposes to Miss Dupont. He does not offer love, but marriage "in name only" to save her from scandal. If he dies in battle, as he fears, she will at least be a respectable widow. Desperate for a way to escape her predicament, Sophie finds herself torn between her first love and this brooding man she barely knows. Dare she wait for Wesley to return? Or should she elope with the captain and pray she doesn't come to regret it?

Review: I really love Julie Klassen’s books. I love Stephen’s character. He was the best of the book. Sophie grew on me as the story progressed. I especially enjoyed the secondary characters in the story. Winnie, Angela, Kate, Winnie and the grandfather. The interactions and relationships between these characters is what made the story. I even found Keith to grow on me. That is why this book is good. Secrets also hold my attention like no other. Wesley was a great protagonist for the story. He was not overly likable to me anyway. I found some portions slow and it was the secondary characters that held things together for me. As I read the story I tried to decide if anything could be trimmed from the story and came up believing that no things were as they should be. I did not like many of the interactions that Sophie and Wesley had, mostly because Sophie was so blinded by Wesley. I did like the resolution to everything. It surely made the overall book worth reading.

I would like to thank Net Galley and Bethany House for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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