Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Helpful Advice most of the Time

The Passion Principle: Celebrating Sexual Freedom in Marriage
Shannon Ethridge

Book Summary: Move beyond the mechanics of sex to a rich and rewarding connection!
God’s desire is for couples to enjoy vibrant sexual relationships without inhibition, awkwardness, fear, resentment, guilt, or shame. With honesty and frankness, life coach and best-selling author Shannon Ethridge opens the minds of both husbands and wives to embrace a lifestyle of passion and pleasure. Divided into four sections, The Passion Principles helps couples celebrate the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical dimensions of sexuality. Questions include:
• What was God thinking when He created sex?
• Why do humans think about sex so much?
• Will there be sex in heaven?
• How did we get such different ideas about sex and love?
• How can I get past his or her sexual past?
• How can I help my spouse heal from the sexual abuses he or she suffered?
• What if my heart is telling me I married the wrong person?
• How can we balance mismatched sex drives?
Some chapters end with questions for personal contemplation or for couples to use as conversation starters, and other chapters end with prayers that foster a deeper spiritual and emotional connection, making this book a perfect guide to a more passionate love life.

Book Review: It was an interesting read. Good things about the book: it was an honest, straight forwards information about marital relations. There were numerous topics addressed and information about them in detail provided. She provides great comfort to many people who are seeking information and no one to turn to. When young people with or without experience sincerely seek information this book can provide them a place to turn. She is faithful to sex being between married couples. Her responses are direct and do hold to the sanctity of marriage. She is respectful to her husband and men as head of their households. Things I disagreed with: At times the Bible is not consulted. This began with due to Ms. Ethridge’s declaring that the Bible is silent on marital sex. I agree the mechanics are not touched. I hate to say this but sex is not the glue that holds a marriage together. In this sex drenched society it is easy to miss that sex is not everything. Love is a choice. To disregard what the Bible says about marriage is the heart of the problem. When a topic is ‘What if my heart is telling me that I married the wrong person?’ - regardless of the answer is trouble. This exposes the heart of how people think about marriage. It is not a commitment for the long haul, it is a consumer demand of what I want.
While Ms. Ethridge does not negate that marriage is important. She has great love for her husband. Freedom to enjoy sex seems to be the overarching theme. Generally not a problem yet if this is all that one pursues eventually you will feel let down. I am glad that Ms. Ethridge and her husband have a giving relationship. That is what should have been discussed because that is the basis for her freedom.
I would like to thank BookLook Bloggers and Thomas Nelson for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone.

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