Tracie Peterson & Judith Miller

Book Summary: Escape to a Beautiful, Historic Island Resort, Bridal Veil Island, Georgia 1898 Melinda Colson has been waiting months for Evan, the assistant gamekeeper at the Bridal Veil Island resort, to propose. Without an offer of marriage, she must return to Cleveland with the family she works for as a lady's maid. Evan isn't afraid of hard work, and he hopes to be promoted soon. He wants to marry Melinda--but not until he's sure he can support her and a family. Letters strengthen their romance until a devastating storm strikes the island. With no word from Evan, Melinda knows she must journey back to Bridal Veil in search of her beloved. But the hurricane isn't the last calamity to shake up Bridal Veil. Melinda finds a new job on the island, but still no offer of marriage comes her way. Has she given her heart to the wrong person? Will she ever find a man to love and cherish?
Review: I tried real hard to like this book. I gave it time and I mulled over how Melinda must feel and Evan must feel but at the end of the day I was lukewarm. I did grow to like Melinda the best and thought that Evan was just so bland. He may have had the best intentions but really only worked to please her with words when she did not get what she wanted. Even when she was happy he seemed to snub her at times. I think both these authors are talented and this was an awkward plot. Where do you go with a topic for a long period of time with a part time meeting place? Make the female character that starts out exceedingly responsible and mature do something flighty? That did not fit. I can understand how others would find this to be great because all things aside Melinda was smart and had been wealthy. She understood the ways of the rich although her mother taught her kindness and grace. There were many places about prayer and how we fail to do this with the big decisions. That was a grounding reminder that Melinda acts as I do.
I would like to Bethany House Publishing for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone.
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