Shaunti Feldhah

Book Description: Do You Know the Unwritten Rules of the Workplace? As a veteran of Wall Street and Capitol Hill, Shaunti Feldhahn knows that even the most experienced Christian businesswoman can inadvertently sabotage her career simply because she doesn’t know how her male supervisors, colleagues, and employees think. For Women Only in the Workplace gives you startling insights into the expectations and perceptions of men at work. Whether you work in a corporate setting, a small business, or a ministry, you’ll find Shaunti’s research invaluable as you discover: • What you need to know about a man’s hidden insecurity • What “it’s not personal, it’s just business” actually means to men • How men view emotion in the workplace—and what they consider to be emotion • How what you wear can significantly hinder your effectiveness at work • The secrets to being strong and competent—without being viewed as difficult Based on eight years of intense research, extensive interviews, and national surveys of more than 3,000 men—from CEOs to assistants, from factory workers to lawyers—For Women Only in the Workplace gives you the keys you need to be who you are and be respected and successful wherever you work with men. Includes a group discussion guide.
Book Review: I found this book insightful. I did not agree with everything in this book, however I did think that there were many things worth learning and understanding. The best way to use this book is to glean information and work with everyone as professional as possible. While there is a treasure trove of research I also think there are just men (and woman) who are just difficult based on the fact that we live in a fallen world. The best that we can hope for is that as a Christian I can use this information to build up people around me.
I would like to thank Above the Treeline and Multnomah Books for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone.
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