Thursday, January 24, 2013

Through My Eyes
Tim Tebow
Book Summary: Meet Tim Tebow: He grew up playing every sport imaginable, but football was his true passion. Even from an early age, Tim has always had the drive to be the best player and person that he could be. Through his hard work and determination, he established himself as one of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of college football and as a top prospect in the NFL. Now, in Through My Eyes: A Quarterback's Journey, he shares the behind-the-scenes details of his life, on and off the football field. Tim writes about his life as he chooses to live it, revealing how his Christian faith, his family values, and his relentless will to succeed have molded him into the person and the athlete he is today.
Review: This was a great book. Well written and yet sounded as if you were having a conversation with Tim Tebow about how he came to be who he is today. His faith shines through and his work ethic is amazing! I really cannot get over how much I laughed, cried and cheered him and his family on. His family was in every detail of his book. It is amazing how his parents have influenced his life and with the good stuff like faith, family and living for the glory of God. I would proudly recommend this book to anyone. While I am not a sports fan I enjoyed his excitement he has for football and the games he has played in.
I would like to thank Net Galley and Zondervan Publishing for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone.

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