Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Pleasant Surprise

Eating Free
Manuel Villacorta M.S. RD

Author’s Summary: In 2004, I founded MV Nutrition, my private practice, in San Francisco, and since then I am proud to say that we've helped over 2,000 Bay Area residents with their health goals and received four awards 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2012 as "Best Nutritionist" in San Francisco. After four years of reading the research literature, applying it in my private practice, seeing thousands of people and witnessing great success, I had a vision. It became clear to me that I have something to share with the rest of the nation. This is when the Eating Free philosophy and weight management program was born. I created Eating Free because of my love for food! And through my years of experience, I have witnessed suffering, deprivation and the demonization of food in order to lose weight. I hope to put an end to that with Eating Free by spreading the word nationwide. I want readers to love and celebrate real food while reaching their health goals. I have a personal passion for eating as a way to strengthen bonds and enhance the quality of life (a custom I adopted from my native Peru), I offer something more than another diet, fad, or trend. As I attest, Eating Free is a lifestyle--a nourishing and satisfying, as well as sensible and effective, way of eating, every day.

Review: I was uncertain at the start if this was going to be a waste of time or more informational. I came to be persuaded by his knowledge and information. After a time I realized that more of what he was stating and relaying informational was more accurate than anything I had ever thought of. I read it every day for an hour a day and in 4 days I was sold. It was the most logical and helpful book on weight loss I have read in a long time. Having been on the treadmill of diets and other weight loss programs this one makes the most sense. I can control my eating and lose weight but much of weight loss is about permanent change. This being the case I really became excited that I could eat healthy and loose weight. For me I love to exercise but I want to be healthy and weigh the proper weight. He also talked about as we age how to meet that to keep the weight off. I am very glad that I read this book and how helpful it is to a life change and not just a life sentence of what I cannot eat.

I would like to thank Net Galley and HCI Publishing for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone.

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