Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller, & Kelly Long

This is a book with interlinking stories about 3 Amish woman written by 3 authors. The first story is about a couple that has known each other their entire lives and are planning to marry. Along the way they discover some secrets about each other and that knowing things about each other is a good basis for building a relationship. The second story is about a young woman who has waited on the Lord to lead her to the man she is to marry. This man is brought into her life story takes off from there. The third story is about a couple that is engaged to marry and all the mishaps that occur on the way to the alter.
The three stories were pleasantly enjoyable. I found the first story to be my favorite of the three. I did like the 2nd and 3rd, which were easy reads. The entire book was well written and each story was links throughout the book. The majority of the characters were in each story and was interwoven to the point that you could not tell that they were written by three authors.
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