Joyce Magnin

Book Summary: Is There Really a Fountain of Youth in Paradise? Welcome back to Bright's Pond, where strange happenings are afoot at the Greenbrier Nursing Home. Strange even for Bright's Pond. The residents suddenly act like kids again riding trikes, climbing trees, and of all things falling in love. Some of the townsfolk blame it on the crooked new gazebo, or its builder, a quirky little man who quotes Don Quixote, collects water from the fountain at the Paradise trailer park, and disappears on a regular basis. While Chief of Police Mildred Blessing investigates the mystery, Griselda and her friends deal with a luau Thanksgiving, preparations for the Christmas pageant, and maybe even an upcoming wedding. Only, in Bright 's Pond, nothing ever really goes as planned . . .
Review: Filled with loveable quirky characters that take on a life of their own throughout the story interwoven into that is characters from other books written by the author. This is a story about people who are given a second chance at life to do things and act without the adult perspective heightened self-awareness. It did take some time to get used to a book about older people. I did enjoy the realness of interaction between the two sisters and the giving of self in visiting people that are unable to get up and go on their own. While slow moving at the start it was worth wading through all the ‘getting to know you’ phase to dig into the mystery of why did all these people seem to be getting more youthful.
I would like to thank Net Galley and Abingdon Press for allowing me to read and review this book in return for a free copy and I was never asked to write a favorable review by anyone.